Sometimes I mention Joyce, JB, or the Angel,and I wonder,should I explain.
Joyce and I were in the same political party, I first saw her,and I suppose began falling in love,at a constituency meeting.She was wearing her favourite colours,a white trouser suit,shoulder bag and and a gold bracelet,and as she took her seat every male eye must have been on her,mine certainly were.Somehow we became members of the same committees,went to the same meetings and were once dragged over the coals together for upsetting some local councilers.After a while we drifted apart but during that time nothing had happened between us.After all we were both married,old fashioned things that we were.We didn't meet again till after my marriage was over and hers was on the rocks,then found that for all those years we had loved each other.We had been together for thirteen years when,after an evening at the theatre,she had a heart attack and died in my arms.
One Friday evening we were at a jazz concert in the Buxton Opera House,Joyce,as usual,had booked front seats and was wearing a white dress trimmed with gold lace,and carrying a gold clutch bag, wth her flame red hair you couldn't have missed her.The saxophonist came to the front of the stage and asked her name,stepped back,and said,"We're gonna play a blues now,it's called,Joyce's Blues."Three years after Joyce died I bought a black Mini,and called her Joyce's Blues,or J B.
A year ago I decided to go back to riding a motorcycle.I fancied a trike so I bought a cheap one,to see how I got on.I liked it,but it wasn't quite what I wanted.In January I found the one I was looking for,a black and chrome Yamaha Virago trike.I was going to call her The Dark Lady,after a Shakespeare sonnet.But my Welsh friends daughter thinks Dark Angels are cool and so is my trike,so she became The Dark Angel.
Joyce sounds lovely. I'm sad for your loss.