Friday, 3 September 2010

Journeys end.

I love my country,if you think of the UK as one country.I think of Ireland as one country,separate from the UK,no less beautiful I'm sure but separate.
So from the Scilleys to Westray,Uist to Yarmouth,so many places I want to see.The drive along the A5,narrow winding roads cutting through high Welsh hills.London to Lands End,stopping at Stonehenge on the way.Along the coast road from Cromer to Brighton,the hills around Fort William to the scattered islands of the Orkneys.We think of them as long journeys,though compared to the other two I would love to make there only short.

For many years I've wanted to see New England in the autumn,to ride beneath those high,gold leafed tree's,to gaze over hills and valleys covered by natures own patchwork.Tell me,is it really like that,no don't,you never know,one day I might.

The second is journey I think I'll never make.

I never knew my father,all I know about him is that he was a Canadian,I say know but maybe I should say,was told.I dont want to find out who he was,I'm too old for that,but I would like to see some of his country.The short train journey from East to West is all I want.I've seen films of such a train,and I want to ride it.
Is that too much to ask,yes I think it is,I would have to win the lottery to be able to afford it,although.Although I could always sell the house and rent a flat somewhere.I have no family,so have no one to leave it to,and the thought of it going to the state ,thats irksome.
I could die poor yet happy,so.........
Be seeing you,sometime,maybe.


  1. What is stopping you?
    Sell up, go travel the world, die happy! You don't want any regrets in the end so just do it. Don't leave it to the state to swallow up. Get out there and enjoy yourself.

  2. I agree with lil sis...Go Do It!

    Canada is lovely and there is definitely a train route that runs from East Coast to West Coast.
